If we’ve created a bespoke coaching or teams agreement, please note that your terms may differ and that you may elect to have invoices sent to a third-party for payment.
1:1 Sessions
- Payments are due Prior to Sessions
- I reserve the right to cancel your session if I have not received payment within 24 hours of your session.
- If you choose to pre-pay for a set of sessions, I will let you know how many you have remaining at the end of our session.
- No-Shows and Late Sessions
- I will consider you a No-Show if you do not arrive to our session within 15 minutes of our agreed-upon start time.
- You will not receive a refund for No-Show sessions.
- Rescheduling and Canceling
- Please reschedule or cancel at least 24 hours in advance as a courtesy to others who may be able to use that time and as practice for you to stay in integrity with your commitments.
- A late reschedule or cancelation will be treated as a No-Show (see above).
- To reschedule or cancel, click the link to reschedule or cancel in your calendar invite (sent by Calendly.com)
- Life Happens
- Life happens and sometimes we can’t anticipate a need to reschedule or cancel in advance. In such cases, please know that I’m happy to waive the No-Show penalty, and any payment will be applied to your next session. Just let me know and we’ll address on a case-by-case basis.
Committed Containers
When you elect into a 4-mo minimimum container, you may choose to pay quarterly or monthly. Payments will be due prior to the start of your service month/quarter.